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  • Yarra City Council

    At Yarra, we aim to make a positive difference to people's lives. We work closely with the community and our staff to deliver the best outcomes.

  • Yarra Valley Water Australia

    Yarra Valley Water is Melbourne's largest retail water corporation providing water and sewerage services to customers

  • Yash Technologies

    At YASH, we understand that not all talent is created equally and that the best is often a lot better than the rest.

  • Yasporbi

    Sekolah Yayasan Yasporbi adalah sekolah swasta yang dimiliki oleh Bank Indonesia yang mempunyai tujuan untuk mencerdaskan generasi bangsa. Sekolah Yayasan Yasporbi berdiri pada tahun 1961.

  • Yayasan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Al Hikmah

    Yayasan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam (YLPI) Al Hikmah merupakan merupakan lembaga dakwah berbasis pendidikan. Al Hikmah telah mempresentasikan sistem sekolah sehari penuh sebagai terobosan pendidikan bagi Indonesia.

  • Yayasan Sekolah Anak Alam

    Sebuah pusat pendidikan di pedesaan Sumbawa, Indonesia, yang mengajarkan nilai-nilai inti Peduli Bumi, Peduli Masyarakat, dan Berbagi dengan Adil

  • YCH Group

    YCH Group offers supply chain management and logistics services.

  • Year13

    Year13 hires people from different fields who have a passion to work on cool things that matter to young people.

  • YEDC Yola DisCo

    The Yola Electric Distribution Company is the main electrical services provider in the northeastern region of Nigeria.

  • Yellow Cab Pizza
    Now Hiring

    Serving great pizzas since 2001

  • Yephome

    YepHome is committed to revolutionising the real estate industry through A.I., Big Data, Blockchain, and Web 3 technology.

  • Yes Bank

    Yes Bank is one of the fastest-growing private sector banks in India.

  • Yirara College

    Yirara College, a culturally diverse community, strives to develop living skills, worldviews and Christian faith, enabling people to respect and live out their spiritual and cultural diversities.

  • Yodya Karya

    PT Yodya Karya (Persero) merupakan perusahaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang bergerak dalam jasa konsultan engineering, manajemen proyek dan pengembangan bisnis.

  • Yoga Bar

    Yoga Bars is a Bangalore-based health food brand offering a range of healthy snacks.

  • Yojee

    Yojee is a cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) logistics platform that facilitates the flow of freight movements into a single ecosystem.

  • Yokogawa Australia

    Yokogawa, established in 1915, is a renowned provider of Industrial Automation, Process Safety, Process Instrumentation, Cloud, Data Analytics, and Energy Management solutions.

  • Yondu

    Yondu is a Philippine-based IT solutions company owned by Globe Telecom. They empower businesses across various industries through a wide array of innovative technology solutions to help them scale in the new digital economy.

  • Yotpo

    An eCommerce marketing platform offering solutions for Reviews, SMS, Loyalty & Referrals, Subscriptions, and Visual UGC.

  • yourtown

    yourtown is a charity that provides services young people can access to find jobs, learn skills, become great parents, and live safe, happy lives.